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Message from the President

Welcome to the official website of the Child Neurology Society, Philippines, Inc. (CNSP).

We at the CNSP, are physicians dedicated to caring for, and promoting the neurologic health of the Filipino children.

As you explore our new website, you will find  information that focuses on two precepts that form our ideals: training and service.

Whether you are a healthcare practitioner, a concerned parent or an interested individual, we hope you will find the information you seek as the site continues to grow.

Through collaborative efforts, our website aims to stregnthen the network of healthcare providers, researchers and educators dedicated in improving the neurologic well-being of children in the Philippines.

As we navigate an ever changing landscape of digital technology and geo-political interconnectedness, we continue to adapt and move forward in our mission of fostering knowledge, delivering care and promoting programs relevant in brain and neurologic health.  

As we continue to grow as a society, we also expand our engagement of members to develop leadership skills. This is reflective in the initiatives, efforts and projects of the various committees in our society.

The journey of developing a professional identity is long, arduous, yet rewarding. The slow but sure growth of our society in the face of increasing neurologic health issues emerging from the pandemic and beyond, means we need a supportive energy to enrich and advance child neurology education up to the grassroots level. This can best be accomplished through inclusiveness and determination as we forge new paths in learning and community outreach.

We thank you for visiting the CNSP website and encourage you to actively engage and contribute to the collective growth of community brain health. Together, let us continue to work towards a better future for our children by enriching ther minds, thereby empowering them to become the future community we aspire for.

Warm regards,

Ruth Valeriano, MD


Explore Our Specializations

Child neurology involves a wide range of specializations and complex illnesses involving the brain, spine, nerves and muscles.


This website is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a means of medical diagnosis and management.

If you have any medical concerns or questions, please consult your doctor.

The photos and images on this site are for representative depictions only and

are not intended to be educational tools and is not for public distribution.

Epileptology & Neuro-physiology

Neuromuscular Diseases

Neuro-inflammatory & Neuro-immune Diseases

Stroke and Neuro-vascular Diseases

Prioritizing Neurological Health of the Filipino Children


Child Neurology Society, Philippines, Inc.

Room 911-S & 913-S, 9/F South Tower Cathedral Heights Bldg

St Lukes Medical Center Quezon City, Philippines

Phone: (+63)917-9707605

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last updated 1-2025

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